We all have agency in our thinking when we’re gifted uninterrupted time to think.

Being present on this course has helped me renew my facilitation skills as well as my life skills too. It has also helped me rediscover the value of taking time to think when preparing facilitation sessions, ensuring equity and kindness are present, igniting the thinking of those we are connected with, as well as my own thinking too.

It has also confirmed my belief we all have agency in our thinking and if we gift uninterrupted time to listen, we enable others to think for themselves too.!

I look forward to staying in touch and hopefully to working and learning together again.

The course is different to what I might have expected. The sessions deepen and nourish your practice, growing a quite confidence to value your thinking in however you want to apply it to your work or life in general.

Just thank you..... and I hope to continue sharing time.

Would I recommend the course? Yes, 10/10