So many things about the course were good, I'd recommend it 10/10

As someone who facilitates meetings, the course has made me reflect on the way that I plan for sessions, the organisation of these sessions and the opportunities I provide for participants. I now appreciate the importance of providing an agenda which is focused on what I realise is achievable in the time we have. Using the tools with Sophie and experiencing the way that she facilitates the rounds and thinking pairs has given me a fresh perspective. I intend to use these tools in future meetings, to enable all voices to be heard and for participants to feel appreciated.

So many things about the course were good. Connecting with people from different walks of life was very refreshing. Sophie is such an insightful facilitator, who was able to put us at our ease, teaching us the philosophy and approach, demonstrating the tools and also taking time during 1:1 sessions to listen and appreciate each of us.

I would certainly recommend this course to anyone wanting to develop a highly creative team, or develop their own relationships. The tools and applications can be implemented in both your personal and professional life. The online material is of the highest quality and is relevant to the course content and structure.

The course was designed to make me think and it certainly did this. I was able to reflect on my relationships with family and those colleagues that I work with. I now appreciate the power and beauty of attention, something I believed that I gave to others, but now I realise that by really giving my full attention I have the power to ignite. Imagine if every environment was a thinking environment, the possibilities would be endless.

I would just like to thank Sophie. The communication, materials and course structure were all high quality. I would certainly recommend and will be keeping in touch, to develop my thinking further.